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NYC Starbucks: 67th & Columbus

17 Mar


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all my coffee lovers out there. And a shout out to all you hard working baristas who just happen to rock the color green each and every day.

Although I have a strong Irish last name — McCourt — my identification with the culture stops at potato pancakes and the occasional Guinness. Regardless, today in NYC everybody is a little Irish. The Starbucks I’m currently sitting at on 67th & Columbus Avenue is greener than Kermit the Frog with a stomach flu.

Just a few blocks north of Columbus Circle and Lincoln Center, this location is immediately impressive because of it’s large size. In fact, everything at this location is bigger. From the barista bar to the seating area, everything seems to have been stretched. Even the hallway to the bathroom is much longer than most. There are two entrances (one on the street/one on the avenue) and tons of seating for anyone to enjoy.

Unfortunately, this Upper West Side Starbucks is clearly the target of many, because those seats are all filled up. In fact, I can see at least three separate individuals prowling for an open spot at this very moment. Luckily, no matter how crowded a location may be, I have a tendency to find an open seat within minutes.

Maybe it’s the city of New York opening the door for this blog to continue — and so it does.

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